
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Strawberry Bread

Strawberries were on sale cheap at one of our local grocery stores and I wanted to get a couple containers for strawberry shortcake. Unfortunately, the yellow cake I was planning to use as the cake molded. Like the day after we bought the strawberries.
So, with two containers of strawberries, it was time to get creative. I made strawberry shortcake scones (more on that later), cool and easy strawberry pie (that's dessert for tonight), and a lovely strawberry bread.
I found the recipe at, but made so many changes that there isn't a whole lot linking it back to the original (which I don't have the link for anyways).

I don't know about anyone else, but warm strawberries doesn't sound very good. However, it's time to get over that feeling and have some yummy bread. The bread is great warm, but also tasty at room temperature. It's incredibly moist and soft. Yum.
I left the nuts out of the recipe because hubby isn't a big fan of them in bread, but feel free to add some in if it's your sorta thing.

Strawberry Bread one 9x5inch loaf

1 1/2 c. all purpose flour
1 c. granulated sugar
sprinkle of cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 c. + 2 tbl. veggie oil (or try substituting applesauce- and let me know how it works!)
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 c. strawberries, pureed
1 c. strawberries, chopped
1/2-3/4 c. chopped pecans (optional)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a 9x5inch loaf pan.
In a large bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, cinnamon, salt and baking soda. In a smaller bowl, blend together the oil, eggs, vanilla and pureed strawberries. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and stir just until everything is moistened. Gently fold in the chopped strawberries and pecans.
Pour the batter into the pan and bake for 45-50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted near the middle comes out clean. Cool in the pan on a wire rack for about 10 minutes before turning the loaf out of the pan to cool the rest of the way. Slice and enjoy!!

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  1. Sounds yummy!! I bet that strawberry puree makes them super moist.

  2. Sounds really good. I've made strawberry muffins and loved them!

  3. I'm with you on the nuts. Strawberrys might be a little overpowered by them. Love quick breads and strawberries are not a flavor that you see in them very often. Thanks for the recipe.

  4. Cooked strawberries (except for jam) had not been done here, maybe it is time! Thanks.

  5. This sounds different and really good. Thanks for sharing. :)

  6. Love strawberry bread! I made this over the summer and it was so good! Great time to make it before the strawberries are gone for the year

  7. what a fabulous idea. i have a freezer full of strawberries. i have a habit of buying in bulk when they are cheapest. i bet this would be good toasted with a bit of cream cheese smeared on top. i can almost taste it! thank you for linking this up to tuesday night supper club

  8. Oh I just know this is delicious. I love it when a seemingly kitchen disaster (moldy food) turns into something amazing! I would love to know how you made the scones too - I heart scones! thanks for sharing this with us at the hearth and soul hop!

  9. Never thought to put strawberries in a bread. Looks wonderful! Stopping by from the H 'n S Blog Hop. Would love to have you join my Thursday Carnival....

    Around My Family Table

  10. Strawberry bread sounds wonderful, and with strawberry season right around the corner I will be sure to try this.
