
Monday, July 19, 2010

Snickerdoodle Bars

Feels good to be writing another post. Life has been busy lately and so I haven't had much time to sit down and write! I really need to make a stockpile of posts to have on the ready. Someday. Anyways.
A few days back, one of my hubby's friends was coming by for dinner and I wasn't sure what to make for dessert. I love having a dessert when company comes over because it's a great excuse to have sweets. Not only do I feel that it's the part of the meal that I'm best at making- but we aren't stuck eating a whole pan of brownies by ourselves. Although, how bad would that really be? :)
I looked in my recipe binder in the section marked off as "haven't tried" and looked for a simple and easy dessert to whip up. I found a recipe for Snickerdoodle Bars. The recipe was super quick to throw together- even while prepping for dinner! A 13x9 inch pan of these may seem like a lot for a group of three, but they are SO tasty that they won't last long. No worries there!
The recipe is from Betty Crocker. I think I must have gotten it from being on their email list. I find email lists like these to be worthwhile because they often have menu ideas for all sorts of occasions- and the ones run by something like Betty Crocker sometimes even have coupons. What's the worst that can happen? You don't like the recipe- then trash that email! Easy-cheesy! Here is the original recipe. I didn't change much except halving the glaze because it was way more than I needed.

Snickerdoodle Bars

2 1/3 c. all purpose flour
1 1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
3/4 c. butter, softened
1 1/4 c. sugar
1/2 c. brown sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
(Cinnamon Filling)
1 tbl. sugar
1 tbl. cinnamon
1/2 c. powdered sugar
1/4 tsp. vanilla
1-2 tbl. milk

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and spray a 9x13inch baking pan with nonstick spray.
In a small bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt. In a large bowl, beat the butter until creamy. Beat in the sugars until fully incorporated. Then beat in the eggs, one at a time until fully incorporated. Slowly mix in the dry ingredients.
Spread half of the batter on the bottom of the baking pan. Mix together the cinnamon filling ingredients and sprinkle evenly over the batter in the pan. Dollop the remaining batter in teaspoonfuls over the cinnamon filling. Don't worry about it not completely covering the filling- everything will spread out in the oven and have a great marbled look.
Bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Let cool completely then mix together the glaze ingredients (adding more milk if it's too thick- or more sugar if it's too thin). Drizzle over the bars and enjoy!

I liked up over at:


  1. Oh, those look so good! I usually do the time-consuming version, rolling little balls of dough in cinnamon sugar. Gotta try this and make life easier!

  2. The only thing better than Snickerdoodle cookies are bars! These look heavenly! I get lots of e-mails from food sites too - I have them stock piled for ideas!

  3. I LOVE snickerdoodles but I'm not a huge fan of making the cookies because they seem to take awhile. This might be a good way to get the flavor.

  4. I love the cookie version. I'll have to try this version too! Thanks for sharing. I'd love it if you'd join my topsy turvy tuesday's party tomorrow!

  5. Stacia, these sound so good and easy too. Can you believe I've never made Snickerdoodle cookies? I'm trying these bars and they can be my first impression. I've never even eat one of the cookies. I feel like I'm not a real American or something. LOL.

  6. snickerdoodles ftw!

    NOM. I've never made them in bars! What a brilliant idea!

  7. These look great, I'll have to try them!

    I have a recipe on my blog for snickerdoodle muffins you may like :)

  8. Yumm...can't wait to try them!

  9. Like everyone else, I love snickerdoodles but seldom make them because of the time factor. I definitely will be trying this!

  10. Making dessert when company comes is my favorite part of entertaining! I often plan the entire meal around dessert! :) The bars look yummy!

  11. Snickerdoodle bars-delicious! I love the cookie version. I can only imagine that the cookie bars would just send me over the edge. Love it! Perfect with a good hot cup of coffee.

  12. These look sooo yummy!
    My family would LOVE these:)
    Thanks for the recipe.

  13. Oh, yes, my daughter's favorite cookie is snickerdoodle and then add frosting. I am making this with her as soon as she gets home. She is off at Girl's camp as a leader, maybe we'll make it before with her 5 year old while she's playing with grandma and have them as a surprise when she returns.

  14. Yum yum yum! These look so tasty but you just have to mention snikerdoodles and I come running.
    p.s. I'm going to feature this on Friday-hope thats okay.

  15. I HAVE to try these! I have a feeling that taking care of a big pan of them would be no problem even though I have a small family of three. Thanks for sharing such goodness!

  16. This sounds SO good! Now I have to figure if I can make it before tomorrow morning to enjoy with a cup of coffee. :)

  17. This sounds delicious!
    Thanks for linking up!
