
Friday, July 2, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

Jasey over at Crazy Daisy gave me the Beautiful Blogger Award! I am touched to recieve my first award out here on blog-land! Thank you, Jasey for thinking of me! It makes my day! :)
Everybody else- you should check out Crazy Daisy. She posts a weekly party, Tuesday Tastes for all of you cooks out there. Each week we vote for our favorite recipe, and one tasty dish walks away the winner!

Anywho- onto the rules for this award:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award.

2. Share 10 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 10 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

So ten things about myself-
1- I am newly married and LOVING it!
2- Hubby and I have 2 pet rabbits. They are my babies. No joke.
3- I love cooking- but dessert is my favorite thing to make.
4- I am addicted to crafts. Sewing. Cross Stitch. Knitting. Scrapbooking.
5- I am seriously thinking about adding quilling to my list of crafts.
6- I am the 2nd oldest in my family. And somehow the 2nd shortest.
7- Blogger is the first thing I sign onto when I get on the computer.
8- I don't like coconut. I also don't care for most cheese. So far ricotta, mozarella and jack are fine by me.
9- One of my pet peeves is open blinds or curtains after sunset. It just irks me.
10- I am by no means a green thumb. It's frustrating. And yet- I consider myself to be great with animals. Go figure.

I would like to pass the Beautiful Blogger Award onto some of my fellow bloggers that I think are just great!
1- Kristin at Delightful Country Cookin' (She currently has a great giveaway going down. Check it out!)
2- Dawn at Beat Until Fluffy
3- Cinnamon Girl at Cinnamon Spice & Everything Nice
4- Megan & Steph over at Crazy Domestic
5- SnoWhite atFinding Joy in My Kitchen
6- Rachel at A Southern Fairytale
7- How Does She?
8- Jerri at Simply Sweet Home
9- University of Cookie
10- Cindy at Skip To My Lou

Thanks everyone!


  1. You are so sweet for including me in this list! Thank you. I love so many of these blogs :)

    I'm happy to hear you are loving being married and enjoying crafting too :) I wish I was better at crafting... but maybe that will come in time. I'm right with you on the blinds open after dark! Glad I'm not the only one.

  2. Congratulations on your certainly deserved it!

  3. Congrats on your first award - well-deserved! And thanks for sharing those tidbits about yourself so we can get to know you better. Your real sweet for passing it on to me! I am working on my awards page this week so I will post it soon.

  4. Stacia, you're too sweet! I am so honored! Thank you
    xoxoxo ;-)
