Monday, August 23, 2010

Cocoa Meringues

Hello, hello! I must apologize for the lack of posts recently- I haven't been making many perfected recipes worth posting about. This one, however, is a winner.
Remember that creme brulee I made? Remember how it doesn't use egg whites?
The more I get into "fancy" type desserts- custards and such, the more egg whites I end up with on hand. What does a girl do with extra egg whites? Try another meringue cookie recipe, of course!!
These cookies are chocolately, light, and not that bad for you either! Everybody that tried them liked them. And in a sealed container- they were still good a couple days later.

Cocoa Meringues

3 egg whites
3/8 tsp. cream of tartar
dash of salt
1/4 c. + 2 tbl. granulated sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 c. + 2 tbl. powdered sugar
3 tbl. unsweetened cocoa

Preheat oven to 200 degrees and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, beat together the egg whites, cream of tartar and salt with a whisk or balloon whisk attatchment of a stand mixer. Beat until soft peaks have formed, then slowly add in the granlulated sugar while still beating. Continue beating the egg whites until stiff and glossy peaks have formed. Keep an eye on this to make sure they aren't overbeaten!
Sift together the powdered sugar and cocoa powder, then fold into the egg whites along with the vanilla extract. Drop the meringue on the cookie sheet by large teaspoonfuls. (Alternatively, you can load up the meringue into a piping bag with a larger tip and pipe the meringue onto the cookie sheet.) Bake for 1 1/2 hours (90 minutes) and then turn off the oven, leaving the cookies inside to cool for at least 3 hours or up to overnight if you baked them in the evening. After cooling, store the cookies in an airtight container to keep them as fresh as possible and enjoy!

I have linked up at the following parties:


  1. For me, with all recipes, the fattier, the better. So, I have several pint jars full of egg whites in the freezer. I had thought that I didn't like meringues, but then I found some gf ice cream cones that I made last year at the back of a cupboard. I'm pretty sure that I made them with a recipe which was largely egg whites. I really enjoyed those old cones! So, I'm going to have to try making meringues out of all of those eggwhites. Thank you for bringing inspiratin to Two for Tuesday.

  2. Stacia, this reminds me of the ones I used to get at my mums for tea! The taste of cocoa and meringue is just lovely! Thanks for posting this on the two for tuesday recipe blog hop. Alex@amoderatelife

  3. oh my squee... little chocolate clouds. At least now I can make a brulee with out feeling bad about what I am going to do with the egg whites!

  4. Oh, these look so good! I can just imagine that sound...sort of a swooshy crunch...when biting one, LOL! YUMMY =) thanks so much for sharing these with Two for Tuesdays this week =)

  5. Oh - now I need to make the creme brulee' recipe that just uses the yolks - so I have whites that must be made into meringues! it is a delicious vicious circle you know! Thanks for linking this to Two for Tuesdays!

  6. We made your creme brulee last weekend and it was FABULOUS! Oh. my. goodness. We love meringues! If you form in a bowl shape before baking you can fill them with yummy goodness!

  7. I love meringues, and your chocolate ones sound really delish!

  8. Love your meringues. Join us over at the Mac Tweet blog and make macarons with us. It's so much fun.

  9. love these - they are so popular right now, and GLUTEN FREE!! yahoo!

  10. i love meringues...and chocolate looks like just the thing to satisfy that itsy bitsy craving i get about 9pm every night. i have to make these! thank you for linking up to TNSC!

  11. Yum! Your meringue looks beautiful! It really puffed up wonderfully and I love that you used chocolate. Nice work! I'm stopping by from Two for Tuesday.

  12. I love meringues - they're a great way of using up egg whites, and these chocolatey ones look wonderful.

  13. My college roommate used to make something similar with cornflakes and chocolate chips folded in. Sounds strange, but it was delicious!

  14. I used egg whites to make marshmallow creme or frosting! I grew up with my mom making Merenge, I'll have to keep it in mind next time I have some egg whites on hand! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!
